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Author - JT Hughes
JT Hughes

A guide to electric car charging point locations in Shropshire

Disclaimer:  New charging stations may have been added since the guide was published. Access to public charge points may need registration and/or pay as you go tari?s. Always check lead /plug compatibility before you travel in Shropshire, UK or Europe. Some car dealerships only allow their own customers to use their charging stations - Always check with them prior to visiting their dealerships.

At JT Hughes, we've had a huge amount of enquiries with regards to electric vehicles, particularly since the recent launch of the new Hyundai IONIQ went on sale.

But, if you’re not juicing while you’re snoozing, where are the nearest available hook-up points to keep you cruising when you’re moving… so to speak? According to the guru of electric motoring websites zap-map.com, while there are more than 9,000 electric car charging points across the UK, what’s happening with the charging point network in Shropshire?

For all electric car drivers in Shropshire and visitors to our beautiful county (who own or rent an EV) and those considering a purchase of an electric vehicle in the future, we have produced an up-to-date guide to electric car charging point locations in Shropshire. If we have missed out any charging point stations or new ones have been added since this guide was published, we would be grateful if you could add them in the comments box below for the benefit of our readers. 

Infographic - Electric Car Charging Point Locations


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We hope the above information helps and please feel free to add any other charging point locations in Shropshire which are not listed above in the comments box below. Also, if you are considering an electric car in the future may be worth checking a recent article we published  - Is it worth having an electric car in Shropshire? 

bbsdw08 More than 5 years ago
About Blog Automotive World is a leading provider of automotive industry information. Our news, analysis, research and forecasts have been informing the decisions of automotive stakeholders, including all of the world's major vehicle manufacturers, since 1992. https://www.feedspot.com/?followfeedid=4762225
David More than 7 years ago
Very helpful site-keep up the good work
Paul Jones More than 7 years ago
The brown (AC) ones are presumably also black (DC) as I have used tge Welcome Break one at M54 svs. That is, until Ecotricity decided that electricity should be twice the price of petrol for a PHEV.
Michael Alexander More than 7 years ago
NoYc 30 + charging points is nowhere near enough points in such a large area, especially when there could be other people waiting to use the point when you get there. Lastly just how annoying is your article when it keeps flashing car images certainlt will make me think twice before I visit your web site email or no.
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